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Be Broken Logo

The story of Be Broken Ministries began with the story of Jonathan & Elaine Daugherty (pictured, with their adult children). Their journey through the devastation of sexual addiction and brokenness led to the formation of the ministry in 2003. As healing began, they started to realize just how prevalent sexual brokenness was for individuals and families nationwide. Not wanting their healing to be in vain, they decided to begin reaching out to other men and their families who could benefit from the principles they learned on the journey to freedom and restoration. The road was difficult and painful, but the results have been worth every step. And we believe it will be worth it for your life and family too...

Daugherty Family Pic

Did you know that God doesn't want to merely change your behaviors? He actually wants to change your heart!

Jonathan Daugherty
Founder of Be Broken

We believe everyone is made in God's image and is worthy of dignity and respect — even in their brokenness.

Our Mission

To help Men, Women, and Families move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ – and equip others to do the same.

Support Group
Teen Prayer Group

Our Vision

To see God's people whole and holy.

Our Beliefs

We are a Christian ministry that holds to God's Word, the Bible, as the foundation of our understanding of truth and life.


Our complete doctrinal statement

Statements on Sexuality

Be Broken Statements on Sexuality

Sexual Identity

We believe God created human beings in his image, purposefully and distinctly male and female, each reflecting unique facets of God’s image. Learn more


References: Genesis 1:27, 5:1-2


Sexual Intimacy

We believe God created sexual intimacy to be experienced only in the exclusive, covenant bond of marriage between one man and one woman. Learn more


References: Genesis 2:20-24, Exodus 20:14, Deuteronomy 5:18, Mark 10:6-9


Sexual Integrity

We believe God created human beings to steward their bodies, desires, and identity in accord with God’s Word in pursuit of holy character and behavior. Learn more


References: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7, 1 Peter 1:14-16, Matthew 5:27-28

All Hands In

Our Values

  • Grace-Based in our Approach

  • Personal in our Communication

  • Humble in our Teaching & Networking

  • Generous with our Resources

  • Inclusive in our Mission

  • Kind toward Opposition

Our Method

Our method (or process) of ministry is what we call the Transformation Pathway. It is briefly outlined below. 


If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Transformation Pathway, please contact us.

Image by Mario Dobelmann

Transformation Pathway

A biblical framework to help you move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ

Heal Icon

Heal from past wounds and unhealthy thinking. 

Grow Icon
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Grow in God's grace and truth to mature in wholeness.

Share your story and invite others onto the Transformation Pathway.

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Grow Icon
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Wherever you see these icons they indicate what stage of the Transformation Pathway that program or service highlights.

Why the Name "Be Broken"?

Why Be Broken

We have gotten this question a lot over the years. And it's a fair question. After all, most who come to us for help don't want to "be broken" any longer. But there is beauty to be found in our brokenness when it intersects with the grace of God.


"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise
-Psalm 51:17


This verse in the Psalms is a key foundation for our name. There is a kind of brokenness in true contrition over sin that ushers in the flood of God's compassion; He will not reject the offering of a broken and contrite heart.


We believe such humility is not to be a mere moment in time, but rather an attitude by which we live every day. As we grow in this faithful humility we experience more and more the abundant overflow of God's mercy. This, in turn, draws us into a deeper and deeper trust in our loving Creator. 


Therefore, to "be broken" is both the bridge of repentance over which the grace of God pours in and the cornerstone of humility on which a life of grateful godliness is built.

Partner With Us Today!

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