Help for porn addiction and other unwanted sexual behaviors
Gateway to Freedom is your next best step to real, lasting freedom!

Our 3-day intensive workshop for men will help you understand:
Why willpower isn't the answer (and never can be)
Why God is the source of the solution and how He is ready to help
How your emotions can be guided to a healthier you
How to see shame and guilt overcome by forgiveness and peace
How to build a confident hope into your soul
How friendship and service are crucial to your long-term happiness and freedom
The Gateway to Freedom Workshop offers help for porn addiction and unwanted sexual behaviors that are crushing your life. During the weekend, you will:
Learn that change doesn't come through willpower and behavior modification alone
Discover you are not alone
Get insight into why you still feel stuck or trapped
Know how to move your life toward freedom and a practical path to getting started
See others transformed along with you in real-time
Be invited to see why and how God and His Grace is at the heart of the answer
Lunch to 9:30pm
We create a safe environment — no shame allowed!
We connect with one another as a foundation for learning
We model and insist upon care and respect
We all learn the power of sharing our story
Breakfast to 10:30pm
We go in the deep-end of the pool -- together!
Largely our focus is on the essential issues:
Curing the Shame Cycle
Healing Relationships (past and present)
Discovering and gaining clarity about yourself
Recovering Hope
Breakfast to Noon
Focus: A day of practical strategies for when you return home
Finish line: What it takes to win
Others: The power of community & friendships
Perspective: Your life is bigger than this issue
Legacy: How clarifying your purpose and vision affect the future for others

Benji Williams
I really thought that this would be another typical “churchy” type of group… meaning that everyone would just say all the right things and just tell us what not to do. To my surprise, these are real men with real struggles just like me. These counselors truly have a heart for restoring broken lives.

Semaj Neville
Life Changing Experience. The pride in my life was killing my marriage and family. I have to be humble myself, deal with my past, forgive those that hurt me and move forward. Allow the truth, The Word of God to set me free.

Rudy Davalos
I experienced God’s Grace and Mercy for the first time in my life. I was at Peace. My clarity on my purpose as a man was made known.
Cost & Value
This is the all-inclusive cost of the Gateway to Freedom 3-day intensive workshop.* But this cost covers more than just the weekend. Here is everything this fee includes:
2 nights lodging ($250+ value)
Meal service; 6 full meals total ($100+ value)
Eight teaching sessions on building a life of sexual integrity; nearly 9 solid hours of teaching ($850 value)
Eight small group sessions with a professional counselor; over 10 solid hours of professional group counseling ($1000+ value)
All workshop literature; workbook, resource catalog, etc. ($80 value)
Inclusion in Gateway Aftercare program includes Mentorship, monthly group gatherings, and a private support community; counselor consultation, support group selection assistance, support care through our qualified recovery network, helpful resources for wives (for the married men) ($1200+ value)
Personal interaction with program facilitator and small group leaders; decades of expertise and insight in one location (Priceless!)
Lifetime access to the private GTF Alumni online group (Also, priceless!)
Total Value (Over $3000) - Total Cost ($1,297) = Over $1,700 in Savings!
To see the true value of the workshop through the eyes of men who have attended, please visit our Testimonials Page.
*We also offer an early bird discount ($1,097) if you register prior to 2 weeks before the workshop. And we provide scholarship discounts for qualified applicants. (Call 210-822-8201 x106 for further information about scholarships.)
If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, visit our Donation Page and select Men's Ministry as the fund.
Upcoming Workshops
Get $200 off the registration fee with our Early Bird Discount!
- Fri, May 16Sanctus Ranch
- Fri, Jul 18San Pedro Spiritual Retreat Center

Not sure if Gateway to Freedom is your next best step? Talk to Dan.
We encourage you to schedule a personal ministry consultation with Dan Wobschall, Be Broken's Director of Men's Ministry and Gateway to Freedom. This 1-on-1, confidential conversation can help you determine if GTF is the next right step in your journey—and if not, what your next step might be. If you decide to attend GTF, we'll apply the cost of the consultation to your workshop registration fee.