Men's Resources
This is the Men's Resources page, a place where you can take your next best step to overcome unwanted sexual behaviors and live a life of integrity and wholeness in Christ.
This periodic email newsletter provides men with helpful, relevant resources, such as events, blogs, podcasts, courses, and much more.
Transformation Pathway
A biblical framework to help you move from sexual brokenness to wholeness in Christ

Heal from past wounds and unhealthy thinking.

Grow in God's grace and truth to mature in wholeness.
Share your story and invite others onto the Transformation Pathway.

Wherever you see these icons they indicate what stage of the Transformation Pathway that program or service highlights.
40 Days of Purity Online Course

40 daily lessons on how to live out the foundational principles of a life of sexual integrity. Taught by Jonathan Daugherty, Founder of Be Broken.
Grace-Based Recovery 8-Week Online Study Group

The GBR-OSG is a 8-week journey for men through the key principles of recovery outlined in the Grace-Based Recovery book. Max of 10 men per group. Meetings are on Zoom.
Personal Ministry Consultation

A 1-on-1 consultation with Dan Wobschall, Men's Ministry Director. This consultation will help you take next steps on your journey of personal integrity and growth.